Our Services

Hypnotherapy for positive changes in your life.

Insomnia / Sleep Disorders

Insomnia / Sleep Disorders

How would it feel to go to bed and improve the length and quality of your sleep, without sleeping pills or anything else, by overcoming insomnia and sleep disorders? Hypnotherapy is an entirely natural state of awareness that helps you feel relaxed, refreshed, energised and can help you sleep well, right through the night.

Hypnotherapy will help put your mind at ease at bedtime. The effect of the therapy can help you to have a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling refreshed, alert and ready to start the new day, full of renewed energy.

Fighting Stress

Pain Management

What if relieving your pain was much quicker and easier than you thought?

One of the biggest problems for people with chronic pain, is that they have seen the doctors, consultants and specialists, had all the tests and scans and so far no-one has been able to find an explanation for their pain.   That then becomes a bigger problem because the frustration, desperation and/or any negative emotions makes your perception of pain much worse.

Which is why the best solution is one where, with my powerful

Pain Relief Programme, you gain the skills and abilities that you need, so that you can take control and unlock the power of your body and your mind to help you relieve your pain…..all in a very safe, natural and lasting way and have the confidence to make plans and enjoy life free from fear.


Fighting Stress

Fighting Stress

Hypnotherapy will help you think, feel and behave in more empowering ways that will keep you in control of your life.

Modern life is stressful, full of expectations and demands, whether at work, in school, from family or relationships. Deadlines to meet, money to earn, changes to face, losses to endure and the future may be uncertain.

Hypnotherapy will help you understand those stressful situations and develop coping strategies to deal with everyday problems.

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